Funders, Sponsors, Supporters, Schools, Clubs...
"It takes a river to raise a rower." As the saying almost goes...
East Anglia Youth Rowing is made possible through the generosity of a wide rowing community.
Funders and Sponsors support our programme and coaching costs, and allow us to provide ergo loans and water sessions free to schools. Numerous rowing clubs have donated ergos, loaned boats, and provided enthusiastic volunteer coxes and coaches to help get schools rowing. Our key Partner Clubs are paired with an EAYR Water Rowing school, becoming a 'home' on the river for students to identify with, and providing a future route into competitive junior programmes and beyond.

Support EAYR
Our Supporters
Website design

Indoor Training Facilities

School Project Sponsor

Tees Law support rowing at North Cambridge Academy
Summer Camp Sponsor

Summer Camp Sponsor

Summer Camp Sponsor

Indoor Competition Partner